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Not so long ago I enjoyed long country/coastal walks, but age (& whit goes with it) has curtailed this pleasant therapeutic pastime.

But still try each day to take a short walk (barely a mile) It was on these walks I came across a car-key & popped  notice in local shop.

Guy phoned this morning & came along to pick it up. Hysterically happy. Because he had been quoted nearly £400 for replacement :)

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29 minutes ago, WeighorstsWang said:

Not all heroes wear capes, Gedee. 

You wear long johns! 

I think Superman, & a few unamed others on here, wear tights.

Admin John is more of a Stockings & Suspender man I believe.

But it's the Auld Patched-Up LJ's that separate, Men fae Boys :wub:

1 hour ago, Gedee said:

I think Superman, & a few unamed others on here, wear tights.

Admin John is more of a Stockings & Suspender man I believe.

But it's the Auld Patched-Up LJ's that separate, Men fae Boys :wub:

Or mean you need a crowbar to separate the men from the boys.... :o


Modern, electronic 'wireless' kar keys, with memory etc, are all incredibly expensive...for a new(ish) car, it's worth the add-on to the insurance policy. Great things, though, when they can also warn you that your car is unlocked, after a few minutes (as happened on Friday!).

A couple of years ago, I found one of these expensive keys sitting on the doorstep of a ruined bothy in Glen Ey, a route to a few munros on the Cairnwell side of Glenshee, but also a well-used 'through trip' walk to Braemar or to the Cairnwell carpark. It was sitting just where I'd chosen to park myself to eat, probably slipped out of a rucsack or trouser pocket, silently. I'm a bit paranoid about losing my car keys in remote places, and thought the owner & any passengers might be really 'stuck' as a consequence. With around a 25% chance the owner might return the same way & stop at the bothy, maybe 50% chance they might have parked at Inverey, I took the key & left it on top of the table at the Inverey carpark, then called into the Braemar police house & Mountain Sports shop (where I know the owners) to let them know.

I always wondered if the owner retreived them.

I'd had my own 'near disaster' with car keys on hillwalking trips in the early 80's, when keys were just a metal bar in a plastic handle, which was the root of my personal 'key paranoia'. A hillwalking club trip in the Crianlarich/Tyndrum area, with a dozen people, involved a very long distance in a round trip from 2/3 possible start points, but the ideal route was to drop most of them at the start, three drivers to drop two cars at the furthest away point & take one car back to the start. All went well until we got back, squeezed into the 2 cars, to where my car had been left at the start. Where was my key?....then I remembered it had been in my 'change of clothes' bag, which went into the boot....which locked by closing it, no key required (& a right stupid idea that was, Vauxhall..!!).

We all had to go back to the hotel in the 2 cars, and call the AA. Yes, they could help, but the guy had to drive from Oban, 90 minutes away. I was given a lift back to sit beside my car, while the rest had dinners & into the pub. The guy arrived around 9pm, looked at the car, and said "oh, I can get your car door open ok"...I said "that's fine, but the key's in the boot"...."oh, the petrol tank's behind the back seat....I'll not get into the boot". He called his office....they could get another van with equipment, but up from Glasgow (2 hrs) the next day. So, I had to spend the next day sitting by my car, waiting. The guy had a clamp that gripped the whole lock in a set of wee recessed bits, twisted the lock & the boot popped open. "your lock may never really be totally secure again", was his parting comment.

A year later, after getting the pi** ripped out of me on every walking trip, we got back from a big walk, at the end of the road, by Loch Hourn, about as remote a road-end as you get. While everyone was changing clothes, one guy dumped his rucsack into my open boot, picked up a couple of other rucsacks, looked round & said "everybody ready, fine, let's go" as he dumped them in my boot & slammed the lid. Everybody stood, silently, jaws dropped, as he said "what?"....looked at the boot, at me, put his hands over his face & said "I've just locked your boot, with the key inside, haven't I". Aye.

Fortunately (very!), one guy was going off to play golf for a few days, and had his golf bag in his boot....with his tool kit for changing the metal studs in his shoes. And luckily, that AA guy's warning that my boot lock may never be totally secure, proved right & we managed with some difficulty to grip & twist the lock till it popped open. 

I got rid of that car asap & never bought a car with anything self-locking again! And I refuse to use 'yale-type' locks on anything!

I had to 'confess' this tale every few years, to new walking club members & colleagues....slightly embarrassing, but 'cleansing' :)    

Car keys....expensive & dangerous wee bu**ers!


Jings Woodie Meh Auld Freend

In thanking you for yir detailed response, eh hope you dinnae tak offence, if I ask you,

The next time, please jist postin the"edited version"  Ye've used up awe my  threed :lol2:

2 hours ago, WoodStein said:

Nothing's arrived yet.....did you forget to "send"?  :P    (I do it occasionally)

Hi Wood' Checked the "sent box" in my emails definitely two emails been sent.

The one yesterday was sent at 3.41 pm & the second one this afternoon:chaplin:

If you want to send me a TEST ONE (wi' a couple o words) I will respond again.

Hope it works this time .... Miss you sweetie :wub:

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