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Get the feeling Harold, the story o' the "Dog & the Missing Teeth" may have happened to more than one person.

Remember my brother & sister in their late 70's, came up together for a week's stay with us (We'd 4 dogs then)

Meh brither wis aye takin oot his teeth and hearing aid (because they respectively hurt his mooth and his lugs)

Oor wee doag came across his teeth which for some reason he'd put doon on the arm of the chair. Ate them !!

Funnily enough the story came to mind ten days ago, when he came up for a weeks visit after a priod of 4 yrs.

Since then, we've lost three o' oor dogs. But the "wee one" who ate his teeth is still wi' us...& checking him oot.

On 02/05/2018 at 09:54, Gedee said:

Get the feeling Harold, the story o' the "Dog & the Missing Teeth" may have happened to more than one person.

Remember my brother & sister in their late 70's, came up together for a week's stay with us (We'd 4 dogs then)

Meh brither wis aye takin oot his teeth and hearing aid (because they respectively hurt his mooth and his lugs)

Oor wee doag came across his teeth which for some reason he'd put doon on the arm of the chair. Ate them !!

Funnily enough the story came to mind ten days ago, when he came up for a weeks visit after a priod of 4 yrs.

Since then, we've lost three o' oor dogs. But the "wee one" who ate his teeth is still wi' us...& checking him oot.

Hi Gedee,

Dogs have good memories and never forget.

10 minutes ago, islaydarkblue said:

Hi Gedee,

Dogs have good memories and never forget.

Wee bit like yirsel' Islay ... And you've aye got thon book for "Back-Up"

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