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As much as ive liked most of the recent strips.....Anyone else hoping that we go for someone like Umbro again (when the current deal is up) as they haver been making some pretty classy numbers recently??

Seeing that Scotland 78 documentary brought back great memories of both the Home and the lesser spotted Away Tops!!-Mind you they still played 2nd fiddle to my Admiral Home Strip!!!!(and always will!!)



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5 hours ago, Prince Buster said:

Couldn't give a toss what any strip looks like. It's the players inside them that make the team not the multi fibre attire in which they are adorned.


Surely you wouldn't want is in some eye-catching tangy orange attire PB?


Having watched the amount of jersey pulling that is being allowed in the world cup I think we should get ours made of paper so that they rip when ever some cheat pulls them. should have "proper ones" for the supporters only and disposable ones for the first team!


Dinnae think the players, would get too uptight aboot the style/design of strip...(could be wrang mind)

But these days, it seems a stylish strip has commercial value A sh*t design might jist sit on the shelves.

(Need to check my opinion oot with the Master of Fashion) Whar's Marcus Habers, when ye need him !! ;)

36 minutes ago, WeighorstsWang said:

Scuba diving in some type of glittery ensemble, probably. 

Think it's time we had anither update on him ... Wis he no' in Vegas a few days ago?

(Apologies for getting his name wrong. Called him Mark instead Marcus ... That said. once seen, never forgotten)


5 hours ago, BCram said:

Having watched the amount of jersey pulling that is being allowed in the world cup I think we should get ours made of paper so that they rip when ever some cheat pulls them. should have "proper ones" for the supporters only and disposable ones for the first team!

I like that, it would make things easier for the ref.

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