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It was announced on tonight's TV that the Scottish Government intend to have a guardian for every child in Scotland by August 2016.

My wife and I both think that it is a crazy idea and we were discussing how we both managed to survive as children when we "only" had our parents and extended family to look after us.

I can remember pulling peas using a rake from the pea lorries as they slowed down at the roundabout on the Kingsway and I did not worry about my health and safety.

I used to play football on Fairmuir Park or crossed the Kingsway myself when I was 8 years old in 1962 to play football with my friends in Sherbrook Street next to the St Joseph's football ground.

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Why do you think its a crazy idea for every child in Scotland to have a legal guardian Islay?

I agree that bairns should be out and about but this proposal is referring to something completely different I would presume.. Kids that find themselves in dangerous or unfortunate situations.. Surely they need guidance if they don't have parents?


I used to play football on Fairmuir Park or crossed the Kingsway myself when I was 8 years old in 1962 to play football with my friends

There are 32M cars on the roads in the UK. In the 60s there wasn't even 5M. No wonder kids aren't crossing major duel carriageways these days.


I'm not sure if there's more dangers for kids nowadays,just different dangers.We did things as bairns that would be deemed too dangerous for todays kids like climbing trees & catching bees,surving on broken wafers & jam pieces. 

Todays media has created a nanny state mentality where everything is highlighted to the max.Things kids 30 years would never have heard of.


The vast majority of parents give their kids a safe and secure upbringing but unfortunately there are parents out there who are unfit to be looking after kids.

Anything that can be done to pick up on these situations earlier is a good thing IMO.


Why do you think its a crazy idea for every child in Scotland to have a legal guardian Islay?

I agree that bairns should be out and about but this proposal is referring to something completely different I would presume.. Kids that find themselves in dangerous or unfortunate situations.. Surely they need guidance if they don't have parents?

I think it is crazy because the politicians and "do-gooders" have created a nanny state where children are spoon-fed and not expected to use their own initiative.

How many children in Scotland do not have at least one parent to look after their needs and give them guidance.



Thanks for the above information.

If the above bill received Royal Assent almost a year ago why is the Scottish Government having another period of public consultation.

This public consultation will probably be like previous current Scottish Governments consultations where interested organisations and members of the public submit year views and the Scottish Government just ignore them! 


The twin purposes of any consultation is obtaining both expertise and consent. This one is light on consent as 99% of people were unaware of this act, so expect that's the reasoning for a further consultation (given spin it's had in MSM) and more than likely a review and curtailing of some of the named persons powers, that would be the pragmatic thing to do.


It was announced on tonight's TV that the Scottish Government intend to have a guardian for every child in Scotland by August 2016.

My wife and I both think that it is a crazy idea and we were discussing how we both managed to survive as children when we "only" had our parents and extended family to look after us.

I can remember pulling peas using a rake from the pea lorries as they slowed down at the roundabout on the Kingsway and I did not worry about my health and safety.

I used to play football on Fairmuir Park or crossed the Kingsway myself when I was 8 years old in 1962 to play football with my friends in Sherbrook Street next to the St Joseph's football ground.

I have to say I don't see point in this nominated 'guardian'. I'm not sure what they will provide above and beyond what teachers/doctors etc already provide and it will just be a massive paperwork exercise and when something bad happens to some poor unfortunate wean the guardian will be hauled over the coals when one of their 100 'charges' (pulled that number out my behind so don't quote me) gets mistreated. Its real nanny state stuff for me, if kids end up on the social services radar then thats different but for the vast majority of kids then it seems completely unnecessary. Its hardly going to guarantee the safety of kids, just widen the blame from parents to parents and teachers. I'm glad I've swerved this potentially intrusive bill, my kid is 22 but admittedly, could probably do with 'moral guidance'  :lol2:


I think it's just a child protection exercise. There are some kids who need it, but I don't think it should be forced upon anyone who is a genuinely good parent. If I took the kids complaints about their parents being horrible every day they'd all be in jail. Most of them are horrible because they've actually made the effort to discipline them! We have child protection issues and guidelines we all have to follow and social services intervene when necessary. I don't think it's a bad thing, but I do feel that they should use the money on kids who are in desperate need.

I saw someone the other day complaining about the SNP's strategy to give kids a hot meal every day. This is to quell the record number of young children who are affected at school because they don't get one. This person is angry because 'it lines the pockets of the working class immediately.' Total nonsense stuff.

I understand the controversy in terms of finance, but I don't see how we can complain about the SNP putting the needs of children high on their agenda.


And there are lots and lots of children who do not have at least one parent for guidance. The kids who are in and out of foster homes break my heart. They have a lot of behavioural issues and feel very unsafe. Having a designated person to go to for them would be a marvellous thing. They need some sort of stability. I try to give them that every day, but sadly I can't take them home. Poor wee lambs.

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