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Know  some of the posters have vented their fraustrations about Craig being played wide left,but thought i,d try and bring the discussion together. Some posters think Craig was gonna be the natural successor to GGH-but i don,t see them as similar types. Harkins often liked a slightly deeper role,something like an american quarter back making things happen in front of him-more developing the play than being at the scoring end of things(tho he did score some beauties) Craig to me would be better employed as the no 10 behind 2 strikers,making things happen and .being on the end of give and goes.Seems this was the role Scott Allan should have been given,but no-we played him out left,instead of making him the fulcrum of our attack and building the team around him.Needless tae say,he never liked out wide and took the first chance he could tae leave.

So- do we have the personnel to build a team around Craig?Seems tae me this would mean going wi a 3,4,1,2 or 4,3,1,2.Either way,we would have 7 players defending(isn,t this enough some would say?) Just seems Neil Mccann doesn,t trust the players we have to play a back 3.Then again if he goes with a back 4,does this mean we get outnumbered in midfield?It is a dilemma.

Maybe the most compact solution would be the 3,5,1,1,which could revert to the Craigie Broon 5,3,2 when the opposition hae the ball.Seemed to me on Sunday,to go with two strikers,but with Wighton out wide,left us totally lopsided.Would have liked far better tae hae seen when Moussa went off,for wighton to have been used as the no 10 and the midfield bolsted as we were being outnumbered there.Please excuse the rambling,but getting back to the title of discussion-would be really fraustrating tae see  a guid prospect like Craig to go the way of Scott Allan and shine for another club.

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It's an interesting question Mainstand, that I am sure will get more than a few responses.

You have spent a good bit of your OP going into, what is for me, modern systems, posititions & tactics. And as important as that is, in the context of the questions you've asked, maybe because of an "age thing" as soon as tactics & systems come up, I feel mysellf turning off. So I'll let more knowledgeable posters comment on that ... Although I'd like to think (hope) NM kens whit he is aboot in that department ... And as other's have said, the season is still very early for CW, NM. & awe the ither players.

Still a bit concerned aboot putting too much of the spotlight on CW ... But I would hope & frankly expectI this to be the season he wil ll really show us what he can do. Although TBH i am no' quite sure we are seeing this yet. I could never see CW turning into a GGH type. I think to be like Gary Harkins, as well as obvious skill, you have also got have an, "out of control sense of fun" & be able to balance this with a "controlled arrogance" And it is my own view, that personality is part of how a player performs.

My impression of CW is he is definitely got the skill ... But he appears more of the "quieter type" ... Maybe as you suggest more of  Scott Allan type ... (Is it meh imagination, or is he noo got a SA hairstyle?) Whatever way he develops, or whatever position he is in the team set-up, he is getting his chance ... But needs better support (imo)

22 minutes ago, mainstand said:

Know  some of the posters have vented their fraustrations about Craig being played wide left,but thought i,d try and bring the discussion together. Some posters think Craig was gonna be the natural successor to GGH-but i don,t see them as similar types. Harkins often liked a slightly deeper role,something like an american quarter back making things happen in front of him-more developing the play than being at the scoring end of things(tho he did score some beauties) Craig to me would be better employed as the no 10 behind 2 strikers,making things happen and .being on the end of give and goes.Seems this was the role Scott Allan should have been given,but no-we played him out left,instead of making him the fulcrum of our attack and building the team around him.Needless tae say,he never liked out wide and took the first chance he could tae leave.

So- do we have the personnel to build a team around Craig?Seems tae me this would mean going wi a 3,4,1,2 or 4,3,1,2.Either way,we would have 7 players defending(isn,t this enough some would say?) Just seems Neil Mccann doesn,t trust the players we have to play a back 3.Then again if he goes with a back 4,does this mean we get outnumbered in midfield?It is a dilemma.

Maybe the most compact solution would be the 3,5,1,1,which could revert to the Craigie Broon 5,3,2 when the opposition hae the ball.Seemed to me on Sunday,to go with two strikers,but with Wighton out wide,left us totally lopsided.Would have liked far better tae hae seen when Moussa went off,for wighton to have been used as the no 10 and the midfield bolsted as we were being outnumbered there.Please excuse the rambling,but getting back to the title of discussion-would be really fraustrating tae see  a guid prospect like Craig to go the way of Scott Allan and shine for another club.

Fantastic post first of all mate.

I'll be honest, I'm still not convinced that Wighton will turn out to be the player that many fans seem to think he will become.

I'm struggling to see much improvement from him over the past couple of seasons. He missed pretty much the entire season just past and I might end up with egg on my face (I hope I do) but I think he may unfortunately fall in the category of the likes of Bobby Linn and Deasley. He is better than those but I'm not sure just how much.

We've seen flashes and the usual youtube clips from 3 years ago now but I can probably count on one hand games that I feel he has made an impact. Having the odd good game out of say 10-15 mediocre is not quite hitting the standards that I would consider to be good enough. The way he is spoken about at times you would think he absolutely dominates the opposition with his skills.

A massive season ahead for him and at nearly 21, I think he might reach his potential but it won't be with us.


Cue the abuse.....






14 minutes ago, J_Kitamirike said:

A massive season ahead for him and at nearly 21, I think he might reach his potential but it won't be with us.

None of us can be certain  yet what kind of player he will finally turn out to be ... The signs are still there. But I'd accept, he is not quite there yet.

My main concern at this time J-K, is, as expressed by your comment above. If as a team, we cannot get our act together & while looking disjointed,

CW is NOT getting a full opportunity to show just how good he can be as part of a successful team, some derisory offer is accepted...And we lose

another great player for a pittance. That could mean the difference between success/failure. Selling Club or otherwise...we know where that leads.

41 minutes ago, J_Kitamirike said:

Fantastic post first of all mate.

I'll be honest, I'm still not convinced that Wighton will turn out to be the player that many fans seem to think he will become.

I'm struggling to see much improvement from him over the past couple of seasons. He missed pretty much the entire season just past and I might end up with egg on my face (I hope I do) but I think he may unfortunately fall in the category of the likes of Bobby Linn and Deasley. He is better than those but I'm not sure just how much.

We've seen flashes and the usual youtube clips from 3 years ago now but I can probably count on one hand games that I feel he has made an impact. Having the odd good game out of say 10-15 mediocre is not quite hitting the standards that I would consider to be good enough. The way he is spoken about at times you would think he absolutely dominates the opposition with his skills.

A massive season ahead for him and at nearly 21, I think he might reach his potential but it won't be with us.


Cue the abuse.....






Bear in mind he's not long returned from being our for almost a year with a very serious injury. This is his first full pre season in 2 years.

I've seen enough from him before the injury and after to suggest he'll star in a few games for us. Not week in week out but he can definitely have an impact.


Despite what happened on Saturday, I am quite optimistic that we can maybe unlock his potential better. His football with Kamara at points towards the end of last season was superb and you could see their footballing minds link with each other at points. Although the jury is out on how effective the new signings will be, I do think we saw that Kharl and Elton were both definitely that way inclined as well and are naturally gifted footballers. If one of the signings that McCann is talking about being at another club turns out to be Stewart, that'd add a genius into the fore as well.

I think Wighton does need a kick up the a**e sometimes but I sometimes think he's somehow come through a completely different style and breed from anyone else I can ever remember coming through a Scottish youth team and we do need to appreciate that. Sometimes I think that instead of sending him to Raith on loan, we should have sent him to Spain or Portugal.

2 minutes ago, CW 90+3 02/05/16 said:

Bear in mind he's not long returned from being our for almost a year with a very serious injury. This is his first full pre season in 2 years.

I've seen enough from him before the injury and after to suggest he'll star in a few games for us. Not week in week out but he can definitely have an impact.

I think that's an important point CW' ...

And is it possible his regular fitness regime during this period, which saw him "bulk-up" & adjustment (maturity & growing confidence) will still affect him?

5 minutes ago, harry94 said:

Despite what happened on Saturday, I am quite optimistic that we can maybe unlock his potential better. His football with Kamara at points towards the end of last season was superb and you could see their footballing minds link with each other at points. Although the jury is out on how effective the new signings will be, I do think we saw that Kharl and Elton were both definitely that way inclined as well and are naturally gifted footballers. If one of the signings that McCann is talking about being at another club turns out to be Stewart, that'd add a genius into the fore as well.

I think Wighton does need a kick up the a**e sometimes but I sometimes think he's somehow come through a completely different style and breed from anyone else I can ever remember coming through a Scottish youth team and we do need to appreciate that. Sometimes I think that instead of sending him to Raith on loan, we should have sent him to Spain or Portugal.

Another good post, which I totally agree with Harry ...

I have highlighted the last sentence, because especially in CW's case, lending him out to Raith, did him NO favours.

No sure their Manager or fans appreciated his worth. And it was my feeling, instead of increasing his experience &

confidence ... It was an exercise in rejection.


The fact that NM refused to play Allen in his correct finish is the most worrying thing that NM has done so far imo. 

I think Wighton will have his best season so far for us this season but I don't think he's going to be consistent all season. As for his best position, I would keep him on the left for the start of the season and see how it goes. Hopefully in time he starts in the hole behind the front 2. Don't think he's quite ready for that yet. 

Is he out of contract at the end of the season? I personally would be offering him a 3 year deal now. 

7 minutes ago, Wattie Rojas said:

He needs to toughen up a bit and learn to use his body to protect the ball. 

I agree.... He was fairly easily brushed off the ball on Sunday, a bit surprising as he's definitely a bit more 'robust' now. He should study Kamara's way of shielding the ball with his body, and escaping from 'double tackles' with it.....and his knack of stretching his first stride just enough to prevent the player getting another tackle in. 

I'm not sure we have adequate coaching resources to afford a lot of one-to-one coaching for all our younger players, but I'd expect CW also picks up some useful coaching ideas from the Scotland setup, and it's good that they've kept him involved in squads all the way through his development, even when he's not been playing regularly. 

29 minutes ago, steven dee said:

The fact that NM refused to play Allen in his correct finish is the most worrying thing that NM has done so far imo. 

I think Wighton will have his best season so far for us this season but I don't think he's going to be consistent all season. As for his best position, I would keep him on the left for the start of the season and see how it goes. Hopefully in time he starts in the hole behind the front 2. Don't think he's quite ready for that yet. 

Is he out of contract at the end of the season? I personally would be offering him a 3 year deal now. 

Going slightly off topic I agree with your opening comment steven... Some of NM's decisions appear on the face of things questionable (maybe arrogant)?

But going back to CW ... I totally agree with your last comment (highlighted) Craig Wighton (imo) is still showing enough skill to warrant a 3 year deal NOW.

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