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Kia Ora

My scariest day is easy, without a doubt would have to be 12.51 pm Tuesday 22nd February 2011. It's seared into the minds of everyone who was in Christchurch New Zealand at that time. I was at work just back from lunch, when the ground started to shake, although we'd been through a few bigger earthquakes this one was more violent, they tell you what to do during these things but guess what that all goes out the window, my only thought was to get outside the factory. Well it was impossible to run, I ended up taking a tumble, i just couldn't get up, i can remember a 10 ton cnc lathe zigzaging towards me, i couldn't describe the chaos going on in just this factory, walls caving in, machines thrown about, grown men yelling. You know it stops just as quickly as it starts. so were all outside frantically trying to call schools or the misses, of course the network is over loaded so nobodies getting through. My work is over near the beaches so you worry about tsunamis, boss tells us to go try get to your loved ones. what with liquafaction, broken roads after 2 hours in the car I had to abandon it, as many others did, took me another 2 hours to walk to the kids school get them and walk home. Home was fine we live in the south west of the city which was relitively untouched compared to the centre and east of the city, it was more like a war zone. Christchurch is a flat city so the cloud of dust hanging over the Central business district was visible for miles. We were later to find out of the many deaths due to building failure in the c.b.d. the worst my family had to endure in the coming days was no running water or electricity.

Anyway that's only one story of that days events a lot of people had it far far worse.


Must admit had a few whiskys as its the 4th anniversary today. Thoughts go out to the 185 dead and the many traumatised. Cheers

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In July 1992 I was involved in a road traffic accident which resulted in my left tibia and hip bones being broken in three places and my left calf muscle being wiped out on the A38 near Burnham on Sea.I am a Christian and *** was certainly very near as off duty policeman,nurse and ambulance man came to my aid.

Believe or not I went through 23 pints of blood in the first weekend alone.I was off work for a only a year after being told that it would be three.That was down to the wonderful skill and treatment - along with my Christian faith my wife and friends' at Frenchay Hospital Bristol that got me through.

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