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Praise for the Praise for Thedark Blue Forum. Admin. Staff. Mods. Contributors. Posters

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The Topic Heading may give the impression, the The Dark Blue Forum has been awarded some "Very Public Award of Merit" for it's continued service to Dundee Fans.

Maybe it should. And in fact, maybe it has. But this is no any special award of that nature ... I guess it is no more than a thankful acknowledgement and appreciation, of the time, work (And money) specifically John & Scott, but also  everyone else who has contributed in any way (& still continue to do so) to keep Our DFC Forum (And of course Our Club) the only one worth being involved in.


During this pretty awful times of the past few months, I have struggled to maintain an interest in anything connected to football. On a general level, but also matters relating to the Club I love ... DFC. I suppose in some ways I have gained the benefit of becoming interested again in totally new & aulder forgotten pastimes, which has not only help me "just chug along" but has raised again my general enthusiasm & zest ... Well for life I suppose ... I am limited in what I can do some days. But that said I seem to be busier than ever...

Out gardening this morning at 6.00 AM ...   "Jings whit's happening to me" :)

Okay DFC friends, sorry about the diversion & rambling, so back to the Topic ...

No surprisingly we're struggling at times with the current problems of the past few months. The health matters of course. But also on a much lesser scale "Football"

No real DFC fitba news or/& weekly fitba games to talk or write aboot. Yet I go on the forum at least once a day & although I have cut back on my own contributions,

every day I see the posts still coming in and be well responded to. Seriously, Well Done DFC Forum Lads and Lasses for your consistency of posting during the times.

Many days I am struggling to post anything that might add interest to the forum, yet every day (not gonna embarrass anyone by mentioning the many names, or one

very special poster) Yet, not only do these posts still keep regularly coming, the quality & range is really something special. Whether, serious. informative, funny, mad.

The post keeps coming in, on a regular basis, I can see there is some real effort being made especially by some, to regularly introduce New Topics and take time with

some very interesting engaging responses. As already said my own posts recently has been a bit spasmodic. But as the Mannie says "I'll be back" Meanwhile. Thanks.

I'd suggest, if you feel a wee spark & you feel like adding a post (New Topic or a Response) Dinnae think twice. Just do it. Mind it takes time/work to hit my standards :wacko:

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6 minutes ago, DarkBlueKnight said:

Spot on !

Thanks DBK ... Sorry tho' aboot the "messy" Title and the general "disjointed" Presentation ... Must do better :wub:

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