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Does a Player That Shows Pain, Loyalty, Pain Passion Towards His Club Mean Anything?

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We all know Paul McGowan wears his heart on a sleeve .... And if things are not going well on the Park, he is the first (sometimes only one) to show it. Dose this mean anything to you? Some might say, words are cheap and as such, mean nothing, or very little. That might be true....the place being to show you,r pent up frustration & love for your club, is during those 90 minutes & so save this kind of talk & energy for your performance on the park. But for me, there is an honesty about some someone who shows that kind of openess in public.

This topic stemmed from the first post I read this morning ... I only saw the Headline (online restricted viewing) And so, knowing the local newspapers, it may not be a fair reflection of the content, nevertheless ...

"Paul McGowan blasts Dundee squad in astonishing five-minute rant: ‘Horrible’, ‘pathetic’, ‘ridiculous’, ‘passengers’, ‘letting club down’" ...

(sounds about right to me for Paul McGowan)

Would that kind of comment, get the right positive reaction from himself & other team mates in the games ahead?....I don't know. But I like it.

So Come On Lads, show some Pride and Passion.

You are letting down yourself manager & Fans:chaplin:

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As can be seen above...It was seeing the Heading Re-McGowans comments in newspaper, that lead me on to this topic. I was not aware at the time CW had started a new topic in a similar vein (Apologies, I've yet to read the other posts)

Maybe I am coming at things from a difference perspective. But if not, ignore this or delete....Thanks.

5 minutes ago, Gedee said:

As can be seen above...It was seeing the Heading Re-McGowans comments in newspaper, that lead me on to this topic. I was not aware at the time CW had started a new topic in a similar vein (Apologies, I've yet to read the other posts)

Maybe I am coming at things from a difference perspective. But if not, ignore this or delete....Thanks.

I will merge the topics if you like Gerald?


I think it's admirable and means something but you need a balance of quality.

You could have 11 guys that care massively but don't have much quality. This can work to a limited extent like Arbroath last season (Linn has quality tbf) or you can have 11 quality guys that don't care and that's even worse (can't think of a perfect example, but maybe Man United in spells over the last few seasons with players like Pogba going through the motions).

The benchmark is Liverpool for any football team.

A manager who has installed a happy squad that all know their worth and all know and play the system perfect 95 plus percent of the time. Drilled to an absolute tee.

We don't seem to have a style of play or game plan this season. Maybe not helped by injuries and covid, but the aforementioned Liverpool have had 16 players out this season already through injury or self isolating.

The answer is, McPake out, Klopp in 🙂

In all seriousness though, it's all about the balance, attitude and the manager installing a togetherness and ensuring everyone is well drilled and knows exactly what their role is.

13 minutes ago, TheDarkBlues said:

Okies. will leave it as a separate topics, unless Gedee says so :)

Just let it roll on Boss & we'll see where it goes ...

(Thanks for your understanding & comments CW')

But if it awe ends in a a fight I'm blaming you:chaplin:


I think you've raised a good point re whether passion is enough to drive a team. We never know the full story so are piecing it together from the snippets we have.

I can't recall anything to suggest this batch we've got are troublesome or anything less than decent pros, it's a possible explanation but bulk have played at a decent level and not had complaint made publicly.

If we've got players being asked to do things that they aren't capable of and not been prepped well for, I think passion only goes so far. Even if they are paid well and outwardly mentally resolute individuals, they are human.

I think at elite level, you maybe do see the difference but where we are, your average full time footballer in Scotland is pretty similar ability wise. Although a club like ourselves may budget 2 or 3 x the level of another team in our division, that doesn't translate into signing players who are 2 or 3 x better or replicate the Klopp effect to mean that we can make them look 2-3x better.

For me, we've got to look at other full-time teams who are similarish or lower sized than us and figure out what they do well. Livi got to the top flight and have stayed their comfortably with a batch of players who starred for them in League One and constantly used the lower leagues as a place to sign players. It's not perfect but there are loads of examples of teams in Scottish football who seem to recruit first and foremost on getting the right physical attributes they need in their squad to defend, pres and hold the ball up the park.

The odd star comes along like Kamara who is obviously destined for a higher level but those players are hard to find and when they do come, you're probably throwing the net wide and playing a bit of a numbers game so can't afford to risk a long-term deal until their true value is realised. After 6 months, they are looking for their next move and we're worried about ripping up the team again and then probably not getting their full value anyway in the transfer market.


I'm coming at this more from a general angle....

Maybe in a ideal world, we should all be calm cool & collected and when criticism is justified, it should be be done privately in a well thought through & reasoned manner (which would work out fine if we were all robots & were programmed like computers) But thankfully (imo) we're not. And "emotions" are part of our every day life. Just to what degree, depends on our own temperament; how important we feel an issue might be; or maybe simply, just how we feel at the time & we ain't so good at handling some situations.

(There's bound to be many other reasons, but that might be enough to be going on with)

Out of control emotions, although, maybe not always the best road for a constructive discussion, do usually go hand in hand with sport... And what Mc Gowan appears to have said (Still no able to read contents) is probably mild, compared to some of the wild, destructive, hurting comments, that have been said on here immediately post match.

Whether it will make any difference to any players in future games, remains to be seen.

But he has my admiration for saying it ... And he has had the sense to include himself.


I know there is a similar Thread/Topic ... Probably better, more interesting. And certainly more active)

than this one here. But nevertheless I strongly feel, my own topic does justify (imo) some attention...

I've been advised by "My Inner Voices" ... That if in the next hour there are no

serious responses, to reintroduce updates on...My Tomatoes & Longjohns:chaplin:

"Nurse, could you please call back in an hour with My Morning's Medication" :wacko:

On 11/23/2020 at 9:48 AM, harry94 said:

I think you've raised a good point re whether passion is enough to drive a team. We never know the full story so are piecing it together from the snippets we have.

I can't recall anything to suggest this batch we've got are troublesome or anything less than decent pros, it's a possible explanation but bulk have played at a decent level and not had complaint made publicly.

If we've got players being asked to do things that they aren't capable of and not been prepped well for, I think passion only goes so far. Even if they are paid well and outwardly mentally resolute individuals, they are human.

I think at elite level, you maybe do see the difference but where we are, your average full time footballer in Scotland is pretty similar ability wise. Although a club like ourselves may budget 2 or 3 x the level of another team in our division, that doesn't translate into signing players who are 2 or 3 x better or replicate the Klopp effect to mean that we can make them look 2-3x better.

For me, we've got to look at other full-time teams who are similarish or lower sized than us and figure out what they do well. Livi got to the top flight and have stayed their comfortably with a batch of players who starred for them in League One and constantly used the lower leagues as a place to sign players. It's not perfect but there are loads of examples of teams in Scottish football who seem to recruit first and foremost on getting the right physical attributes they need in their squad to defend, pres and hold the ball up the park.

The odd star comes along like Kamara who is obviously destined for a higher level but those players are hard to find and when they do come, you're probably throwing the net wide and playing a bit of a numbers game so can't afford to risk a long-term deal until their true value is realised. After 6 months, they are looking for their next move and we're worried about ripping up the team again and then probably not getting their full value anyway in the transfer market.

These two highlighted bit sum it up for me. why some many changes, why positional changes in addition to personnel? Assumption is that the manger is trying to find something that works.

I can't understand making players, who are average at their preferred position, play out of position if they have been tried before and failed. We have had seasons of our full backs being exposed, seasons of this, seasons of this. what is so difficult to get ALL our players to defend when the opposition gets the ball? Tracking back should be on everyone's conscience. You don't expect it to be done at breakneck speed but surely it isn't beyond the fitness levels of every professional player to be able to make a contribution to defending?


For me it's the club captain that should be making public statements. If I was McGhee I wouldn't be happy at McGowan talking to the press  in that way.

It undermines the captain and his ability to motivate the team when an old head takes it upon himself to make a public statement criticising the team, I'm sure when McGowan was captain he wouldn't have wanted another player talking to the press and slagging off his team.

Negative comments and blame being aimed at you when your confidence is low will do a lot more harm than good, they are long lasting and fill you with self doubt and can have a real effect on the mental health of some of the players.

Unless McGowan has had the manager's blessing to sl*g off his teamates to the press he needs pulled in and a word in his ear.


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