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What jobs do you do that you just dinnae like doing ?

For me it's cutting the grass and gardening. I've just been out giving the grass it's first cut of many of this year. I've put it off for a couple of weeks which just makes it harder to cut and longer to do. It's only a small piece as well and takes from start to finish approx 45 mins.

From getting the mower out, the extension cables (I need 2), doing the cutting, putting the cut grass in a bag, climbing the stairs to empty it into the green bin I just don't like doing it. And then it grows and in a couple of weeks I've got to repeat the procedure. If I had the money I would pay someone to do it for me but I dont :(.

Anyway the first cut is the deepest

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Another job I dinnae like doing which I just have is to phone companies renewing insurance policies. To be honest though I've just renewed my house insurance and the call was quick and painless. Well apart fae the £222 it cost me

I hae to do all that kind of things in my house. Mrs Deemo doesnae hae a clue about it. I do the car insurance, house insurance, gas, electricity, Sky, talk talk mobile and broadband, book the cars in for mots and service, tax them, keep an eye on the bank accounts. Bloody hell I do quite a lot


Taking the bins out..

Friggin nightmare keeping up with the new recycling carry on.

Once a month for meh black bin now!

I blame Nicola :lol:

I was a wee bit peed off with all the new recyling malarkey but now I am a convert. I think it's brilliant. Wee broon bin for food waste, green and for the grass (used for the first time today) black ane for my beer cans, cardboard and bean tins and a purple ane for the rest of my rubbish

I actually find washing the car therapeutic !

Never use a car wash, they just leave swirls on your paintwork. First blast the crap off with the power washer, then the two bucket method followed by liquid wax. Then get the rotary polisher out to give that high gloss wet look, the car looks showroom afterwards.

Takes around 6 hours graft but well worth it.

Great site for car detailers, it's where I started years back ..



I actually find washing the car therapeutic !

Never use a car wash, they just leave swirls on your paintwork. First blast the crap off with the power washer, then the two bucket method followed by liquid wax. Then get the rotary polisher out to give that high gloss wet look, the car looks showroom afterwards.

Takes around 6 hours graft but well worth it.

... and then it rains....

(pointless getting the car washed - 30mins after it's done it has a lovely fine coating of road dust... (Still have it washed, but feck....)


I actually find washing the car therapeutic !

Never use a car wash, they just leave swirls on your paintwork. First blast the crap off with the power washer, then the two bucket method followed by liquid wax. Then get the rotary polisher out to give that high gloss wet look, the car looks showroom afterwards.

Takes around 6 hours graft but well worth it.

Great site for car detailers, it's where I started years back ..


You can come and wash my car if you want Gnasher.

6 hours, you are a glutton for punishment. Good for you though. My old man who is 79 hand washes his car every week and also polishes it regularly. I'm just lazy and prefer a machine or someone else to wash it.


... and then it rains....

(pointless getting the car washed - 30mins after it's done it has a lovely fine coating of road dust... (Still have it washed, but feck....)

Or if you bide in Montrose like I do at this time of the year it gets covered in seagull jobbies. Mine is covered just now. Horrible sticky mess. I dinnae like seagulls, flying rats

Washing dishes, absolutely cannae stand it. What makes it worse is that I avoid doing it till there's a massive pile of them and nothings clean so it takes an age to clean everything.

Get yourself a dishwasher mate. One of the best purchases I've ever made and they are nae that expensive. Only had one for a couple of years but will never be without one now

Always get bird crap washed off at the earliest opportunity, it'll strip the lacquer due to its acidic qualities ..

I just love my car, drive it daily and it's always spanking, took it to two VW shows not really my scene but my daughter now takes it to some VW events in England

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