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Forum Changes and Updates.

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This last year, due to my health I have found it increasingly more difficult to keep up with all the elements and features on this website.

Sadly, I have had to tell myself a few realities and I need to cut back on the amount of work which is needed on the forum. With this in mind, I will be reducing a lot of the features, such as News, Articles and Blogs, as they require a lot of work and coding to keep updated and relevant. The reality is, our stats show a lot of features are not being used for the amount of work which went into them.

I also want to cut back on the amount of application and plug ins which are currently installed, as again the upkeep and work is overwhelming at times.

In all honesty, I will strip the forum right back to its basics as this is what most of you are only interested in any way.

If there is a feature which you really really want us to keep, then please let me know. I may change my mind on this :).

All the best.

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