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Squad of the Decade


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The results are in and here is the line-up. Instead of 2 strikers, I've went with 1 based on the number of votes Kamara received in CM (yet was missing out) compared to Peter MacDonald, but either way if we were losing the sub would need to be MacDonald on for Kamara. Thanks to everyone that took part.

Rab Douglas

Gary Irvine
Jack Hendry
Rhys Weston
Matt Lockwood

Greg Stewart
Gary Harkins
Glenn Kamara
Charlie Adam
Paul McMullan

Kane Hemmings


Scott Bain
Paul McGinn
James McPake
Paul McGowan
Gavin Rae
Peter MacDonald

Manager: Paul Hartley

Assistant: Barry Smith

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Whilst it's a good team, I'm not sure how many would have got into the team of the decade from 01-11. The likes of Caballero, Georgi Nemsadze, Zurab, Ketsbaia, Speroni, Carranza, Sara, Novo, Wilkie & even the likes of Milan Palenik would all be up there easing into a squad since 01 IMO with the likes of Caniggia just missing out due to the time frame involved!

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14 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Whilst it's a good team, I'm not sure how many would have got into the team of the decade from 01-11. The likes of Caballero, Georgi Nemsadze, Zurab, Ketsbaia, Speroni, Carranza, Sara, Novo, Wilkie & even the likes of Milan Palenik would all be up there easing into a squad since 01 IMO with the likes of Caniggia just missing out due to the time frame involved!

The answer is zero, none would get ahead of that lot. Couple might make the bench though.

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