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What's the Chances....

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At the beginning of the season, I highlighted my main concern, when entering the Premiership, was spending again a whole season "hovering aroond" the bottom two places for a Whole Season. And then the possibility, of finding ourselves relegated, or in a bitter, stressful, dog-fight, for Premiership survival ... I think, I am now of an age, that even if we get through this ordeal, the many months leading us up to this position is taking it's toll on me.

Yes, if we find ourselves in that position again (regardless of who we are playing) I will feel depressed & worried.

Just to clarify again...

I want to retain a healthy, consisistent position, in the Premiership every season.

I can accept it may take many seasons before we make "top-six" But I'd take joy,

& great heart (plus a healthy sense of relief) if we could go through whole sason,

holding our own, in the middle section of the table, & away from the bottom two :happyyes:

So C'mon Dundee, once we get this show back on the road Get out there & do it:chaplin:

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