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Potential Serious Setback to My Personal (Spending) Income Situation

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As most of you will know, negotiations with Mrs G. regarding the resumption of My Suspended £5 per Week Pocket Money, have proven to be fruitless.

I decided however to give it one more try, a week or so back. Sadly however, her response was similar to previous occasions. In fact, not only was she only more voiciferous in her refusal, the period of violence, which normally follows, was far more extreme & lasted over a much longer period

(I have now been transferred from the Very Secure Unit, to a Ward that deals with very Serious Domestic Injuries)

However during this period of recovery, I received a letter from the Pensions People. It was impossible for me to read it, because of the severity of my injuries & the bandages which covered most of my body...Including, both arms (which I held up to defend myself) And basically, all my face.

But the good news within, relayed this important statement...That as I was approaching my 80th Birthday, I  could expect an Increase in my Pension.

On the basis of this, I got my Attending Nurse to send off a registered letter to Mrs G, stating in quite brutal terms,

That I would Not be returning, & I no longer wanted or needed her money. "So stick it where the sun don't Shine" :lol:

It now seems, I may have been too hasty...Just this morning I got another letter from them....."You are entitled to a

Higher amount of State Pension Age Addition of 25p Per Week, which will be payable from your 80th birthday" :(

GUESS I'LL BE BACK TO MY WEEKLY BEGGING LETTER TO JN. But for some reason he continues to ignore me:chaplin:

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