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Sorry, There Will Be No Player Sponsorship Next Season.

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In light of the issues we have had communicating with the club over this seasons player sponsorship. I have decided that we will not be raising funds for player sponsorship for next season and I am unsure how we will proceed in the future.

I feel for everyone who donated last year towards player sponsorship, only for the club not to honour us, you and the fans. I personally sent the money via PayPal last August and I have spoken to around 3 different people between then and last month about this issue. It has still not been resolved and I have all but given up on this ever happening.

We were originally supposed to be sponsoring Adam Legzdins, but by the time they got back to us, he was taken. We then asked to Sponsor Zak Rudden and Jonny from the club stated that this would be done. This hasn't never happened, we are coming to the end of the season and I doubt that this will ever happen.

Since we opened we have always raised donations for Player Sponsorship (expect for one year) and we have never had any trouble. We always dealt with Verity and she was a peach every time and never let us down for one moment. Unfortunately for us and the club, she left the club.

So, I would just like to say thank you for your donations, and all of the hard work many of you put into this.

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Just now, dblair said:

Oh they took the money mate 🤬

Sorry, yes, took ours as well, still waiting on an update from the staff meeting from 3 weeks ago!!

I was more meaning if we had a competent commercial team, fans/sponsors would find it easier to deal with them and look to give them more cash 

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1 minute ago, Icedbun said:

Sorry, yes, took ours as well, still waiting on an update from the staff meeting from 3 weeks ago!!

I was more meaning if we had a competent commercial team, fans/sponsors would find it easier to deal with them and look to give them more cash 

I know mate. Makes me wanna greet at the sheer lack of competence to carry out simple commercial tasks, as John stated Verity ran the show when it came to player sponsorship in the past and never once did I hear anything but great things. So so sad

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I hear what you say but that just hurts DFC. One more nail....

And I do not agree with criticism on here of employees of the Club .We do not know what constraints they are under and they will just be doing as they are told by their line manager.

There appears to be something rotten it the state of Denspark.And it is higher up the foodchain.


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