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Dsa Meeting

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They are quite long, detailed but each person reading them will have their own view. There are I think plenty of those directly involved that post on here and I really think it would be a good idea for the DSA Committee to consider putting them up so that people can draw their own conclusions. I personally felt quite encouraged reading them and am grateful to everyone involved. Will drop a note to the lad that wrote them to see if he has any objections to putting a copy up. 

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On 05/04/2022 at 21:00, Double Blue said:

What were the main outcomes?

The DSA Committee are happy for me to reply to your question using an extract from the minutes circulated to Clubs after Saturdays meeting, I asked for their consent and they have no objections. I’d like to thank them again for their efforts and for their prompt reply. Below are minutes relating to items 7 and 8, you should be aware these minutes have still to be approved by those present at the next DSA Secretaries meeting when the opportunity for any alterations, additions or omissions can be proposed and considered. 

7 Meetings with John Nelms (JN) - Lengthy discussions took place in connection with what is being posted on social media, not a way the DSA Committee share their views, about who should hold meetings with who and what should be said at these meetings. 


DC clarified that he has had a couple of informal meetings on his own and not any other member of the DSA with JN , these meetings have been held at Dens prior to recent home games. JB advised that in his role as SLO he also held a meeting with JN which resulted in him being able to release a Q&A on his meeting. JB has now stepped down from this role.


DC advised that JN would like the other organisations to join the DSA but this is something that the Committee would prefer not to happen. DC will discuss with JN on this matter.The Bobby Glennie Dark Blues requested that all discussions with JN are reported back to all Clubs, DC will issue emails. 


However one area of concern was that the DSA may become the focal point for all questions until a new SLO is appointed which really is not our remit. DC will try and find out when a new SLO will be appointed and as soon as he knows this all Clubs will be advised. 


Discussions took place regarding the relationships between the DSA and the DFCSS and DC stated that we believe at this moment in time we require a strong DSA and a strong DFCSS


DC said that it might be an idea if individuals joined the DFCSS as some of the Committee had indicated that they were thinking of doing this. Asked if this was a way to take them over DC replied no. 


The Andy Penman Dark Blues proposed that the Committee of the DSA should arrange a meeting with the DFCSS to discuss matters of interest which was seconded, voted on and carried. An email will be issued by the DSA inviting the DFCSS  to a meeting.


8 Any other Competent Business -


i) Groundsharing - DC advised that he had been informed by JN that if Dens is purchased by him from the existing owner it will not be sold until the new Stadium is almost complete. 


ii) New Manager - DC advised that JN informed him that once it was decided to replace James McPake, Gordon Strachan in his role as the Technical Director at Dens said that JN should appoint Mark McGhee to manage the Football Team.


iii) Communication - DC has been assured that communication between DFC and everyone has to get better.


iv) New Stadium - DC stated that JN would like to be in the new Stadium sometime in 2024. JN also advised that the new proposed 6000 seater venue in the City centre should not have any effect on the new Stadium as it will be rigid whereas the DFC complex can alter depending on numbers attending.


v) Questions to be asked -

 a) DC stated that there are concerns that a number of Supporters have indicated that they will not be renewing their Season Tickets and this should be brought to the attention of JN. 


 b) DC wondered if JN should be asked if DFC will provide Supporters with any deals for the games after the split.

 c) As it is apparent that no money is being spent on maintenance at Dens what would happen if Dens fails to have its H&S licence renewed.


vi) ME advised that in response to the Committee email of 28th March 2022 two Clubs replied - one was easily dealt with but the Aberdeen Dark Blues reply was more complex. The Representative of the A.D.Bs provided an explanation to their email and it was agreed that the Committee would provide a response to this in due course. 


vii) South East Section - DC and JB  made special mention of the new Group and the "problems" that had been encountered. It was pointed out that JN/DFC had no issues with them and actually wished them every success, a sentiment that was shared by the Forfar Dark Blues which led to a round of applause from all present to the new Group. 

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1 hour ago, scottg said:

DC advised that JN would like the other organisations to join the DSA but this is something that the Committee would prefer not to happen

Interesting. Why wouldn’t the DSA committee want other organisations to join? 

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15 hours ago, dblair said:

Interesting. Why wouldn’t the DSA committee want other organisations to join? 

Think that has been taken out of context for if you read on it says "we believe at this moment in time we require a strong DSA and a strong DFCSS" and also urged people to join DFCSS, which some of the DSA committee have done. 

I think the point was the John Nelms suggested in the press that other organisations  should join the DSA and this was in reference to the Open Letter authors, whom Nelms also suggested could apply to be the new SLO. The point DC was making was that the DSA would prefer other organisations not to join the DSA just to get their own points and agenda across and hey don't need to do that. They would be joining the DSA for the wrong reasons.

The only other fan organisation at the moment is Dee4Life and they wouldn't want to join the DSA (which has been offered in the past) and the minutes suggest people join Dee4Life and be members of both. A proposal was also voted on successfully to contact Dee4Life and meet with them. Dee4Life certainly don't need to join the DSA to get their points across but DSA more than happy to discuss things with them, as they were previously. 



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