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How Important Are The Traditional Dark Blue Clours to Dfc ?

How Important are The Traditional Dark Blue Colours ?  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. How Important is DFC Strip Colour ?

    • Traditional All Dark Blue
    • Modern Light Blue Style
    • Other (a variant of above)

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Beiing of the older and traditional kind, I always associate The Dark Blue Colours, with Dundee FC.

In fact seeing DFC in Dark Blue.Alternatively in their All-White Strip, could never be improved on (imo)

Introducing variants of above, to today's strips, is really not for me. Pale or Royal Blue is a NO for me.

Dont want to go too much into religious/political aspects of colour association with colour in strips.

But even if "the ither lots" strip is mighty sair on the eyes, there really is no (today) religious aspects to it .

The Old Firm Colours state quite clearly the divide. For example, we are no gonna see the Ranger Fan,

dressed in Green on his way to the Kirk, or the Celtic man awe in Blue, making his way to the Chapel.

Similiarly with the Green of the Hibs and the Maroon of the Hearts (political religious statements imo)

One of the things I do love about our Clubs, is there has never (imo) been an issue of religious divide.

Sticking with Dundee FC , growing up, and even now, I believe DFC attracts people for many reasons.

The same can be said for United ......But I do not believe religion/politics come into it at all          (imo)

Does introducing light blue into a DFC strip make a difference. Probably not. But possibly Yes (for some)

Don't like to call the Traditiona Dark Blue of DFC neutral. But in doing so, you will know what I mean.

If the "Dark Blues" is a good enough name for Oor Forum, it's the right clour for Oor Club   (imo)  :)

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Very dark blue top with a white badge, white shorts with and very dark blue socks.

Definitely none of this light/sky blue piping. It should be nowhere near our home kit


The light blue on a Dee shirt is as welcome at Dens in my eyes as the love child of Judas Robertson and Lorraine Kelly.

Also Dark Blue shorts should be no where to be seen.


The light blue on a Dee shirt is as welcome at Dens in my eyes as the love child of Judas Robertson and Lorraine Kelly.

Also Dark Blue shorts should be no where to be seen.

Don't think we are given a choice in some games. I believe it's up to the ref to instruct us to wear dark blue shorts if he feels there is a clash.

Don't really mind the light blue on the strip this year, although I'd prefer we didn't mess around with the colours of the home strip.


Very dark blue top with a white badge, white shorts with and very dark blue socks.

Definitely none of this light/sky blue piping. It should be nowhere near our home kit

And a red band aroond the socks for me .


I wouldn;t lose any sleep if we lost the red altogether... :)

Some great responses there.

Some quite funny ains an awe.

Up to now... of the same mind.

Joe you being naughty again?

You're right tho,Troublemaker!

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