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JOHN, I knowย  everyone (except me) knows what blogs are.

But for Auld Dafties (like me) who still live in the distant past,

Could you please explain in simplest of terms (again I'm sure)

Why is this been added to Forum?...(I've done some research)

With above in mind, think I may have, bit more understanding.

But John, Please correct me my friend, if I have this all wrong :wub:

"Blog Section" within a Forum allows Members, more freedom.

Adds to the forum. Gives more scope. Keepsย  threads on topic.

Allows fuller diversity within forum. I can talk Toms & LJ's etc ;)

Or any other personal madness at Anytime...Withoot disrupting

Main Topic Post Thread? Any response/fuller discussion on this

I would really appreciate. Detailed, but please, in simplest terms.

Seems a good idea. But keen to hear what others think of "Blogs"

Thank you all in anticipation. For helping the Auld Man to catch up.

Think it would be a right shame were it to remain dormant/unused.

DFC Lads/Lasses; Please keep posts/contribution coming in:chaplin:




Hi John, I do appreciate this is important Match Day for DFC.

And I do not want to divert too much from "all things dundee"

But I do need response to my rather long-winded post above.

BLOGS (I know nothing about) Can I add link above to topic?

I accept it might come under banned stuff...If so, Just BIN IT !!

Is there more relaxed attitude with bloggs or same rules apply?

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