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Very encouraging indeed, training facilities looking good, manager and playing squad bedding in well, all so positive .

Let's keep building the momentum .




Glad it’s at least been finalised and official now. Interesting that they didn’t state that Dens had been purchased but rather the holding company “Sandeman properties” Not sure if it’s a big deal but found it odd. 

Sandeman properties last accounts state the value of investment properties sits at £1,5m  Wonder if that’s simply dens or other assets too


15 minutes ago, dblair said:

Glad it’s at least been finalised and official now. Interesting that they didn’t state that Dens had been purchased but rather the holding company “Sandeman properties” Not sure if it’s a big deal but found it odd. 

Sandeman properties last accounts state the value of investment properties sits at £1,5m  Wonder if that’s simply dens or other assets too


Will be purchase of the company and all its assets, not unusual really.

Edit - bit of vertical integration

15 minutes ago, Frank Grimes said:

Yeah but how much will a pie be in the Nou Campy?

Looking forward to some fine dining to match our new sumptuous venue. Caviar, venison sausages, char-grilled albatross. And quiche instead of the usual keech. 🙂

5 minutes ago, Ned Spark said:

and who's money did they use to purchased dens? 

In case you have forgotten, they are dundee fc whether you like it or not.


DBPH are not Dundee FC.

DBPH is a company registered in Scotland and with a registered office address of 25 Tay Street, Dundee under the ownership of Tim Keyes and with John Nelms as a co-director. I believe DBPH have ownership of land and property but not of Dundee FC.

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