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We have streamlined the main Dundee Football Club forums to make it easier to navigate and remove content that you do not want.

Under the original way, you would have to scroll past the sub forums to get to the main content, which I presume that most of you were only interested in.

With the new changes, you will no longer need to scroll past the Tickets and News forums to get to the main content. Saving you some time. 🥳

The added benefit to this change is you can now select which forums out of the Main forum, Tickets and News you want to see in the forum timeline.

You will now have an option box to choose from, either in the side panel our above the main forum.


If you only want to see the Dundee FC forum topics, then you can just deselect the other choices in the box. So, if you are not interested in seeing Dundee FC News topics, just deselect that option and you are good to go.

Home this helps some of you guys and girls.

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Okay, I have just had quite a few death threats from certain (Actually, all of them 🤣) moderators on the forum about the new layout.

It seems that they have kidnapped Scott and won't hand him back unless I change the layout back. I was tempted to say no, but I have to admit defeat and decided to give in to their demands.

I will change it back again. 🤣

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