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I've renewed the league for this year. You guys should sign up, it ended up being just me and chomp last year!


League name: The Dark Blues
Code is: 1832469-421276

It's great fun, a nice wee bit of competition. I might even send out a wee prize to the winner!

Edited by TheDarkBlues

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Hi Meg, Think it was me rather than Chomp in your league last year. I'm doing it again this season.

Have done a bit of research and think my team is looking decent for the first game at the moment. Not done tinkering yet as I'm trying to get Ivanovic in there somehow.

Rooney is my captain as he's supposed to be playing up front this season so hopefully lots of goals. Ritchie of Bournemouth is my dark horse. Was brilliant last season and he's cheap as chips.

Here's my current team in case anyone fancies joining and could do with a bit of few ideas.


Edited by Cobra

Joe, I don't know how to do that! Can anyone do it for me?

Cobra, yeah I think it was you. Sorry about that!

Here's my team. I'm thinking about changing strikers before Saturday as I don't know how much involvement Giroud is going to have. Also, a lot of players seem to be carrying injury. I'd rather have Aguero.


I've just tried to log on for this season and I'm getting the runaround, I'm pretty sure I used the right password but gave up and got them to send me a new one, still waiting.  :angry:  


Joe, I don't know how to do that! Can anyone do it for me?

Cobra, yeah I think it was you. Sorry about that!

Here's my team. I'm thinking about changing strikers before Saturday as I don't know how much involvement Giroud is going to have. Also, a lot of players seem to be carrying injury. I'd rather have Aguero.

I moved it for you Meg, also I sent you a PM :)


That's Chomps Champs registered and ready to open a whole can of whoopass !. I'll try and mind to keep it updated so half of them aren't crocked.  :lol: How did you take the screen save or whatever of your team Cobra ?


That's Chomps Champs registered and ready to open a whole can of whoopass !. I'll try and mind to keep it updated so half of them aren't crocked.  :lol: How did you take the screen save or whatever of your team Cobra ?

Welcome to the league Chomp.

I did F11 then Print Screen then pasted into an image editor (Gimp is the free one I use) then uploaded to imgur. Bit fiddly if you don't use Photoshop or an alternative.

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