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Jist a few questions wi the anniversary of the Battle of Loos coming up near the end o' September.                                                                       

Does anyone ken if the club are still bringing an anniversary strip opt,

If so when,

Will the team wear it fer the game nearest the anniversary  i,e the Ross County on the 26th,

And will it be on general sale at the club shop.

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I really hope the strip is available to the fans and not just a limited edition.

Really looking forward to this commemoration, massive respect to the boys of the 4/5th Black Watch and their families.

Edited by Gnasher

Personally think a white shirt with black watch tartan trim would have made a great away shirt for a season long tribute.

That would have been a great tribute Ivan, hope the club do our boys proud when the time comes.


Got to be Bill, as it was the boys of Dundee and Perth that comprised the 4/5th Black Watch that fought at Loos (pronounced 'Loss') and sacraficed their lives. My Grandfather fought with the 4th at Loos and later won the Military Medal at the Somme, his medal is proudly displayed at Dalhousie Castle.


I thank Your Grandad and his fallen comrades



That would have been a great tribute Ivan, hope the club do our boys proud when the time comes.

Just seen the Scotland Rugby shirts for the World Cup. Something along the lines of the away would have been a great change strip for us


Just seen the Scotland Rugby shirts for the World Cup. Something along the lines of the away would have been a great change strip for us

Could do without them being as skin tight as those rugby tops Ivan!! :lol:

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