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New Profanity Filter Options And Change Of Policy Coming Soon.

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Hi Everyone,

Just to let you know about another couple of changes that we have or are making.

Profanity Filter Changes

The first change is already live, and it is something that we plan on introducing site wide, but at the moment this is just restricted to users post. We have introduced a new feature where you the member can decide if you want to view posts with or without a profanity filter. You can change this option within 'My Settings' right at the bottom of your General Settings' page.

*So, if any member wishes to view the site with the filter off, they're more than welcome to do so and those who would rather not can leave the feature set to off. With that in mind, while we are relaxing our stand on this, there however still be the need to protect those who don't want to view profanity and children under the age of 16. So, we will introduce a stricter policy on those who would continue to feel the need to reinvent words to bypass the filter, as there is really no need to do this now. So we ask our members not to do this in future, if you want to use profanity, just use it and think of others that don't wish to see it.

We have revamped a lot of the words in the profanity filter and removed a lot of words that would be considered 'American' in nature and we have done word substitution for words that have been filtered (only in some very rare cases have we left this is were the word has to real substitution).  So you hopefully wont see the ***'s  any more, as a lot of people see this as a distraction when trying to read posts.

Some points to remember:

  1. Using word replacements to circumvent the profanity filter is strictly forbidden.
  2. Excessive swearing and foul language is against our terms and conditions.
  3. Single word posts that use any swear word that is sexual or vulgar will be removed without notice or warning.

Updated Terms and Conditions

We will soon be releasing our newly revised and updated Terms and Conditions and there will be a lot of changes that our members should take note when released. One of the biggest changes it the age restrictions of children under the age of 16. All children under the age of 16 must get their parents consent to sign up The DarkBlues Forum due to some of the content being rated more mature in nature.

*Just so you know, there might still be some words filters from the past, however newer posts won't have those restrictions.



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