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Eh Ken It's No Aboot Us And The Ither Lot. But .....?

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Yesterday's PH'S pre-game talk should have been along the lines of.....

" Today we face Killie. A team we beat away from home 4-0 on our first game of the season. They will not be as easy to beat today. But we will beat them !!  Go out there, face them, with determination, fight, pride and the confidence. Know you are the better team. Play, work hard, perform as a team. And today we will win. No' just the game. But the heart, soul and pride again, o' oor DFC suffering fans "

(Pause fot breath)......." As an added incentive, bear in mind that the ither lot in the City are totally sh*t !! "

" Now this may no hae a direct bearing on your performance, but we pick up three points today, and as far as we, and certainly DFC fans are concerned, that then is a double cause for celebration. You, are being given an opportunity, to show once and for all ....that there really is only one team in Dundee. No' only will we start moving up the table, whilst that ither lot, remain in their rightful place...At the bottom of the table. Huddin up awe those ither teams above them......(and you helped tae pit them there) They'll be further demoralised, knowing that as expected DFC have again raised their game, and sorted out once more that Killie Team once more Anither 3points in the bag. That leaves Puir Bewildered Mixu the morn, trying tae convince his bedragled "pick and mix" bunch o' players, that today against Celtic, they can pick up three point and start their acension up the table. Give yourselves, give the DFC fans and supporters, something to shout about. And feel proud of. Let us show finally once and for all, that you were the team, that no only had a great 2015/16 Season, but were the great team that send the ither lot tae oblivion.....GO OUT, WORK HARD AS A TEAM, AND SHOW ME, YOURSELVES, AND DFC FANS, YOU CAN DO IT LADS !! "

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Just as a short add-on.....

I think if he had left his pre-match talk like something as above, we might just have went out, and then collected the three points yesterday.

But I've a feeling that he might have finally added ..... " Oh, and you all definitely understand the new system we will be using  today lads? "

After a loud resounding "YES BOSS" from all the lads, when they got on the pitch there wis a "Whit is it we're supposed tae be daeing" :huh:


gedee for manager! get your badges done.

Thanks sneddee for the comment above....... :)

But eh'm nae mair than an auld, ordinary, frustrated, DFC fan, that kens, although oor team players are certainly no' even near yet, the class and polished outfit we hope them to be, they are far away under-performing.    Playing way below what they are capable of doing.

There was talent enough in Saturday's team (even allowing for strange tactics etc) to make most of us wonder, what is really going on ?

A bit mair skill and purpose, a bit mair fire and determination, a bit mair belief and pride. Pride in themselves as professional payers. In their Club. DFC.

If a confident three points had been picked up on Saturday, and the DFC players squad went along to see Celtic's destruction of the ither lot, how then would they , with the DFC fans and supporters, felt. Surely at last a genuine belief, that this is the season we are going to assert DFC again as the Top City Club ?

EH CANNAE BE THE ONLY ONE THAT BELIEVES THIS !!.......And it is still not too late.

Mixu efter Sunday, must have spent awe night greetin'. Wonder whit the Finish is fir....

"Whit have eh done, eh jist want tae go hame....It wisnae meh fault" :(

If you were PH, what would you be saying to your players?


get oot there play for the badge with a bit of passion get in there faces from the start

remember "WE ARE DUNDEE FC" thats what eh would say if i were ph.

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