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Daft Thought For Today (Thinkiing) ... Might Try The Winter Harbour Swim.

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Woke up early this morning and as the sun came up over the horizon, I thought ..." Gonna be a Good Day"

A little time after, I looked out from window, into a Cloudless Blue sky, I thought ..."See the appeal o' Winter Swimming"

Dogs started howlin' tae get oot. Didnae want them peein' in hoose, so I thought ..."Nae need tae pit on a Jecket. Looks a Fine Day."

Come back aboot twenty minutes efter. Frozen tae the marrow.  Serious hvpothermia !!

Probably quite near tae deaths door, & entering, the shakin', shivering, greetin, stage !!

Then eh thought, some fowk actually, go in for this, sub-zero-winter-open-air sweemin !!

Awfy brave. Or awfy daft.  Steam wid hae tae be comin aff the watter before eh'd go in !! 

Would you ever consider going into a frozen (semi-frozen) sea for a quick winter dip ?  :o 

What's the bravest/daftest thing ye've ever done.Ken when the cauld watter hits yir nuts!!

Men must be right brave, tae stand that kind o' shock.  Is it the same fir the women ? :)

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I'm no expert on women, or their bits for that matter...but i have discovered through the passage of time that, in fact, they have no dangly bits like us Gedee. I'm surprised that a man of such wisdom gained through the passing of time (an old git in other words...no offence intended) like yourself hasn't yet discovered likewise. Or maybe I've just been lucky...or unlucky...with my choice of women thus far!

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I'm no expert on women, or their bits for that matter...but i have discovered through the passage of time that, in fact, they have no dangly bits like us Gedee. I'm surprised that a man of such wisdom gained through the passing of time (an old git in other words...no offence intended) like yourself hasn't yet discovered likewise. Or maybe I've just been lucky...or unlucky...with my choice of women thus far!

Most people are of the belief, that with auld age and the passing of time we will all be bestowed with great untold wisdom HK.

If this is the case, it looks like the big bus passed me by :)  Awe the young women that eh went oot wi, especially in my very

young days, when I was just timidly, discovering the joys of sex, did have "dangly bits"  And in most cases, even bigger danglier

bits than me !! You have to remember of course, at that time, sex education was unheard of, at school, and certainly in the home.

In my case, I may have been been more protected than the normal street urchin (common in those times) Mother, looked after me :wub:

Once I got through this difficult mis-guided time. I did realise with awe and great wonder, that real women were indeed different &

I had been since, living a lie full, of repressed memories. Which I feel are now bubbling to the surface again HK :( However to bring

this story to an end, I just asked Margaret, my wife, "What physical effect on her "doon below bit" jumping into the sea would have?"

(Being totally truthful now) We've lovely high cliff walks, over-ooking the sea just outside our door. M. says, NO more walkies wi' me !! :lol2:

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I am no sure eh could cope wi that kind o environment Bloomogg.

It's a difficult quandary for any man tae pit himself in I would think.

In the first instance eh thought, you'd hae tae be a REAL MAN to

cope wi that kind o' Arctic Weather. Then I thought, just after going

through the ultimate, all-powerful-macho-experience, you go tae dae

a Real Manly Type Pee tae Celebrate !!      And then, ye canne find

Yir Wullie !! :(  Jings the irony of life !!  Aye life can be so cruel :(

(Wee Tip) Wrap yir simmit roond & roond. Tuck in tae yir long johns.

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