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A very good move, don't see why children should have to suffer second hand smoke from others.

Legislation to ban smoking in cars when children are present was unanimously passed by MSPs at Holyrood on Thursday.

The Smoking Prohibition (Children in Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Bill introduced by Liberal Democrat MSP Jim Hume and is aimed at reducing the harm caused to children through passive smoking.

The legislation will introduce fines of £100 for motorists caught smoking in private vehicles while a child aged under 18 is on board.

The Bill has widespread support, with Holyrood's Health Committee, the Scottish Government, Scottish Labour and ASH Scotland all backing the legislation, although some

concerns were raised about its enforcement by Police Scotland.

Mr Hume told MSPs the Bill had been amended so that the responsibility for enforcement would be shared between police and local authority environmental health officers.

He said: "The aim of this piece of legislation is to protect our children and young people from the harmful effects of exposure to second-hand smoke within the very close confines of a motor vehicle, where the concentrations of harmful particles are significant, around 11 times denser than the smoke in bars that we've already legislated for.

"Around 60,000 children are put in this position each week in Scotland.


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Absolute no brainier, ok in the past it was widely acceptable behaviour, my old man used to smoke in the living room every night. But you can't be doing that now, especially in the car, common sense legislation


Cannae argue wi that....

As weel as maybe killing innocent bairns, it's no the best exampleto gie them

In meh distant past, awebody smoked !!  But it started wi watchin' yir Faither.

Any auld ains oot there mind the white clay pipes ? Men & WIVIES used them.

& SNUFF wis well used as weel with the aulded wivies & me (eg meh grannie) :)


Few big discussions come up in the pub about this.

Im am ex smoker, 3 years now, and i hate the smell. I can smell when i smoker comes in the pub without seeing them.

Im young enough to have never smoked a fag in a British pub. Ever.

Only time i have smoked in pub is on holiday and its mental. You couldn't see, stink and that's with doors all open because of the hear with extractors. I could imagine what pubs used to be like.

So i agree with the car thing. A burning fag in am enclosed sealed box of a car with a child breathing all that in without knowing, consenting or understanding.

Any parent who smokes in front of their kids in this day and age in a way that makes them inhale smoke are very very selfish


I think it would be  "wierd" parents that would contentedly puff awa in a car that had  bairns inside today.

The PC thing disnae come into this. Nor should it (imo) be over-criticised,as it sometimes is.....as it is

suggested for good reason. In the case of smoking ..... the reasons are obvious.


It's never been acceptable behaviour.

Speaking for myself, and I would think at least, some of the older generation, I think it is fair to say, it was acceptable behaviour at one time.

Wee rooms in hooses, reeked wi' cigarette/pipe smoke. Cars were the same. And going upstairs on buses ("upstairs only" when lower deck

was full) was really something else !! Top decks of buses fully packed wi smokers, coughing their guts oot, gochlin', spittin everywhere, with

the mothers wi the bairns and young children squashed in amongst that, as they got pushed upstairs (or afthe bus) when lower deck was full.

(Maybe the word, allowed, is better than acceptable)       But whatever word is used, sadly,it was never anything like the issue it is today.


Yeah, allowed is better than acceptable. The same way having a black slave was allowed many years ago, it's never acceptable though.

I think I'm feeling jist a wee bit tension here .... DeiDonium.

Could it possible we may have got oor wires crossed a bit?

I'm not defending anything here. The Season to be Jolly :)


Maybe not to you, but canvass 100 hundred people about smoking habits 20 years ago, and I'll bet you smoking in the living room, and other confined spaces was accepted by most. Comparing it to slavery? Jesus, haha


Maybe not to you, but canvass 100 hundred people about smoking habits 20 years ago, and I'll bet you smoking in the living room, and other confined spaces was accepted by most. Comparing it to slavery? Jesus, haha

You can compare it to anything you want, in whichever timeframe. I've merely used an extreme example of something else unacceptable now, that was commonplace at the time.

Just because a lot of people done it, doesn't make it acceptable.


I think I'm feeling jist a wee bit tension here .... DeiDonium.

No tension at all mate! :P

I only use emoticons when I'm laughing at somebody tbh! (Not in this instance though)

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