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The Perfect...

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I love cooking. For me, there's nothing more relaxing than shutting the kitchen door and making whatever creation I can. I am one of those people who updates Instagram/Facebook regularly with pictures of my tea.

If it's something pretty standard, I've started doing research into 'the perfect...'. It started off with 'the perfect steak.' After asking people, reading loads of recipes and watching you tube, I discovered that frying a Flat Iron cut in butter with garlic and rosemary is the best.

last week I put a wee poll out in Facebook about the best steak pie and did my usual research and realised people were really keen to share their tips and tricks for their favourite recipes. (For the record, I made it with beef shoulder, Innis and Gunn IPA and used Thyme and Rosemary. Delicious.) 

so it's my turn for Sunday Dinner this week and I've turned my hand to stovies. Something I don't eat and I have a very fussy family. Thought people on here might like to give me some tips this week for The Perfect Stovies. (I have found so far that what 'stovies' are actually differs in different parts of Scotland.) 

thanks in advance! 

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Yeah, for the family I've just done tatties, corned beef and oxo. Wee bit of butter and milk too. The clan doesn't do onions so they had to be left out! 

I had the same conversation about lorne sausage stovies yesterday. My pal was offered them at work and replied 'LORNE AND POTATOES? THAT'S NOT EVEN ANYTHING!' He was very angry about it. 

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Anything as suggested above I would call Beef Hash. If you like it, thats fine. But it's never stovies (to my way of thinking) Sorry.

Ideally, real auld fashioned stovies, is made with Tatties, the end bits o' meat of the oven roast, or pot roasted joint, and  ingins.

But the main flavour comes from the jellied concentrated stock that comes of the Roast Joint. This should be a beef joint, which

means, Sirloin, Rib Roast, Topside, Silverside, Brisket. But I've made it with Lamb, Pork & even Chicken. As said, it is the stock

that gives it the main flavour. As a concession to Joe, I use only butter when oven or pot roasting, so this (imo) guarantees there

will be lots o' highly flavoured stock for the stovies. Cannae see Meg, how you can leave out onions in stovies. Although I accept

that it really does not matter how any dish is prepared, including what recipe is used. It's all aboot your own and family's personal

enjoyment. (Most recipes, printed, or even passed on, are weel tried and tested. But nae reason why ye cannae be creative)  :wub:


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I don't, because I'm not personally a big fan. Too sweet for me! But the guardian also do a 'the perfect' section. Here's what they have to say 



Speaking of which, I wanted to make a quick sauce to go with some homemade brownies last week. Melted some highland fudge with some butter and added evaporated milk and the tiniest bit of salt. It was like a salted caramel miracle!

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